Friendships can be tricky. Sometimes it is hard to decide if someone should be in your inner circle. If a person should be given a piece of your heart. Believe it or not, when you invest your time, interest and emotions in another person, they have a piece of your heart. That being said, it is hard to know if someone is really a true friend.
I have found that making a friend or friends can be an interesting journey. Listed below are some ways to make a friend, should you choose this mission.
Choose, very carefully, a person that seems interesting and that may have things in common with you.
Be Observant, watch how they interact with others and how they behave when they are not around the person they already claim to be friends with. If they talk about their current friends behind their backs, they will do the same to you.
Talk and pay attention, have conversations that are not just surface conversations. If you listen carefully, a person will tell you what type of person they are. You will learn what they like to do for fun and if the fun they like lines up with what you like to do.
Be open, sharing interests can be fun. The person you choose may have a more adventurous side that you are willing to try. Do not be the type of person that always has to have his or her way.
Be nurturing, caring, empathetic and sympathetic when need be. Friends need care and love too and so do you. Be understanding, but do not accept anything less from your friend than they expect from you. Do not accept bad or indifferent treatment either. The hard part is if what you need in a friend is not being given or offered, you will have to decide how to sever the relationship.
Discuss your Beliefs (faith), If you have a spiritual connection with Jesus, make sure that the person you choose for a friend has that connection too. The Bible speaks to being evenly yoked, I believe that is not just for marriage, but for friendships too.
Let’s sum this up with an easy acronym for a true FRIEND.
F – Familiar feeling
R – Relationship of warmth and love
I – Interested in each other’s lives
E – Ear in times of gladness and happiness
N – Not opposed to being someone you may lean on and vice versa
D – Dearly loved and cherished
Love, Janet Walton Dukes