National Bullying Prevention Month

October is Bullying Prevention Month!!

Bullying is harmful for the victim, and for the bully.
Victims tend to internalize the actions of mean folks and think it’s their fault or that they are weak. Neither is good for a person’s mental health.
Bullies tend to think they are better than the person/persons they choose to harass and assault, until that day they meet their match, then their reign of terror will be over.
In Harold and Tyler Bravery, Harold, the new person to the group, stood up to the Bullies, surprising his new friends. Because of his differences, they did not figure him to be Brave, but he was, because he cared and didn’t want his new Friends to get hurt!
During Bullying Prevention Month:
1. Take a Stand
2. Walk away from the bully when he or she starts some mess, bullies enjoy an audience.
3. Surround the victim, help them walk away from the potentially harmful situation.
4. Tell an adult, one that you can trust!
5. Love the victim, help he or she to know it’s not their problem, it’s the bully’s problem.
5. Show love to the bully, they may not get it from anyone else. It is written in Matthew 22:39 “Love your neighbor as yourself. ” But, if you don’t have anyone in your life that will show you love and how to love yourself, it can manifest into self loathing, with outward aggression.
Be Brave, Show Kindness, Show Acceptance! Love ❤ !!

-Janet Walton Dukes