Respectfully Part 1: Respect Others


The word deference may sound like you have to lower yourself to respect others, actually there is strength in showing deference to others.
As a child, I was taught to respect my elders. Respecting your elders seems to be a  dying art. That is why we have to get back to basics in teaching our children, in their formative years and beyond, to respect themselves, their parents, friends, and their elders.

Respecting others: Allow people to be themselves.

Sometimes, as illustrated in Harold and Tyler Skills, people take your respect and make a joke. Harold told a young lady that she was cute, but because of his speech challenges, she laughed at him. Harold walked away. The girl noticed how sad Harold looked, and she apologized for hurting his feelings. Respectfully, the girl realized that although he spoke differently, he was still a person with feelings.

Being fully Respectful means to consider others, be kind to yourself and others, mind your manners, be accepting of individuals, young and old, no matter their differences.

If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
Respectfully!! Peace!

-Janet Walton Dukes